Saturday, April 12, 2014

About Me

Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Laurie Aurand and I currently live in North Texas. I grew up in Ohio and moved to Florida as a very young newly married lady. I lived in Florida for many years, attended college and raised a really cool and much loved son, Zach. I had a reputation for following the craft of the year through much of my early life. I learned to crochet from my grandmother, took art classes as a child and then went on to glass painting, cake decorating, candle making.... You get the picture. However, then I learned about stamping. I was hooked. I opened a rubber stamp store in Jacksonville Beach, Florida along with a partner who sold beads. I became known as the store that would teach you how to do projects with your stamps that did not include paper and I love figuring out ways to extend what the stamps could do. 

 Life changed and I needed to sell the store and did so to someone who remains one of my best friends.A couple of years ago, I took a position in Texas as an IT professional. Soon after I got engaged and my fiance followed me to Texas. I have a very busy career, but I am trying to find the balance I need with my crafty, artsy side. I find inspiration everywhere and hopefully you might find some here. Live is a journey that is meant to be enjoyed. Figure out what makes your soul sing and let yourself sing loudly.

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