Sunday, April 6, 2014

So many ideas, So little time

Life would be so much more fun, if I could concentrate on my artsy side full time, but alas, I need to pay for my art supplies so I am blessed with a great, but very busy full time career as an IT Business/System Analyst.  The downside is that it leaves me very little time for my art or my blog, however, my ideas abound and I am bound and determined to be able to act on some of them.  

My journey has continued since last I posted.  I took a couple more amazing classes at The Crafty Scrapper in the cute little town of Waxahachie which is about 45 minutes east of Fort Worth.  The class was taught by a wonderful teacher, Anita Houston.  You can connect to her blog The Artful Maven and see all of her amazing ideas.  Next weekend I have a Copic certification class scheduled and am headed back to Waxahachie for The Crafty Scrapper's birthday bash.  Here couple of  pictures from these classes.

In the meantime, I have enrolled in an online photo class.  Hopefully that means my photos will soon improve.  If not I will enlist the help of my honey, to help, but he is so exacting we may never get them posted if I don't figure it out.  I have managed to complete a few projects.  

Last month, I complete a necklace for my friend Kathryn along with a gift box.  Below are pictures of the completed project along with a supplies list.  I am making some more so will try to post some pictures along the way.

This necklace is  made with Pebeo Fantasy Moon paint and Ice Resin.  The gift box was made from stuff in my stash, some paper, a paper mache box and assorted paints, some gears from the Tim Holtz line and paper flowers.  

As you can see I don't really have the whole alignment on this blog thing quite worked out but I will get better. General supplies are listed below but these  pictures are just to get you thinking about how you can use up your extra supplies and tailor this to your own style.  I think some of these had been in my box for a few years.


  • Paper Mache box  - this one is about 3 inches oval
  • Scrap book papers or old new print - thinner works better.  
  • Mod Podge or Matte medium
  • Some paint, I used Art anthology paint and I think some  Acyclic silks, but whatever you have will work. 
  • Whatever you have your stash you want to use up to decorate the top.

Necklace Supplies
  • Spellbinders Media Mixage bezels
  • Pebeo Fantasy Moon Paints
  • Ice Resin
  • Chains & various drops, probably from the Industrial Chic line

I will try to get some step by step pictures next week.  I am also playing with some new paint that  I got from my favorite mixed media store The Stamproom.  Kina's store is one of only 2 in the US that carries the Paper Artsy line of Fresco paints from the US.  Check it out. She has tons of other cool stuff too.  Until next time, keep doing what feeds your artsy soul.

1 comment:

  1. Hello new follower here!!!! LOL!!! I am so glad I met you!!! Thank you for supporting me, and for the shout out here! You are a fantastic artist and so full of knowledge!!!
