Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Stepping Back

This is just a quick post about stepping back.  I think all of us are hypercritical about what we create.  I know I am.  It doesn't seem to matter that our friends wait for our cards, the jewelry we make, ask us to create something for their house.  That voice inside of us says....it just isn't good enough.  That voice for me shouts just about every time I finish something.  But I have found that if I just wait a bit, walk away, sometimes for a couple of days when I come back I find something that I like in what I have done.  And if not, there is always gesso.

The picture below is one such project.  I was playing with some Art Anthology paint and Silks Acylic Glaze and a tag.  I painted and stenciled and added some embellishments and absolutely hated it.  But being the thrifty Midwesterner that I am I couldn't just throw it away.  Well company was coming and the decoration in my downstairs powder room was looking a bit bare.  I had a frame in my gift closet and some extra paper in my stash.  The tag I had disliked so much just days before seemed perfect for the frame.  It now sits proudly in my powder room and reminds me not to be so hard on myself.  
The phrase on the bottom is a Tim Holtz Idea-ology tag and it inspired the tag line for my blog.  Embrace imperfection!

1 comment:

  1. The fact that you call it a 'Power Room' says it all! LOVE that! Gorgeous tag...love the flower!
